Former reality show star Kelly Osbourne is branding Peaches Geldof's quick wedding "a cry for help."The daughter of rock star Ozzy Osbourne believes Geldof's marriage to Max Drummey was a desperate bid for some attention. And Kelly admits the recent Las Vegas nuptials bring back memories of her own rebellious and troubled teen years. She says, "It's all a bit sad to be honest with you."If she loves him then good for her, but if it was done for attention, it's a bit sad."I did stuff like that when I was 19 as well, like get a tattoo because it pissed my mom off."It's just a great big cry for help and, if anything people, need to stop talking about her badly and, you know, maybe all she needs is a hug."Geldof married Drummey two weeks ago after a month-long courtship.
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Photo By: COP/BuzzFoto